Comments on: ‘Everybody should be a feminist’ by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/ Ghana's Biggest Organization of Bloggers and Social Media Enthusiasts Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:25:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danny Kweku Antwi /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-91 Thu, 09 Jan 2014 00:27:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-91 I have always supported feminism but we cant help but admit that it has led to the break down of the traditional family structure in the western world where over 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce with 75 percent of those filed by women.

By: Asanempoka's Ghanaway /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-90 Wed, 13 Nov 2013 09:29:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-90 A nice article. I think it expresses your views and experiences simply but in an enlightening way. I am married to a northerner and ghana is my second home. I never had, in our little northern town, the benefits of cooks and cleaners and I never questioned the daily life of my sisters, except in the cases where adultery or abortion was concerned or when I felt like they were being taken advantage of, which was not very often at all. I recently attended a WOW (Women of the World) conference and there was a session on feminism: the ‘f’ word. People, men and women, stated they either were or weren’t. I spoke up and said that for me, married to an African man – a northern ghanaian from a very patriarchal society, my feminism lied in living within the middle path. I have to take into account his pride but when I do that, I win. My feminism is triumphant when I am successfully balancing all areas of my life: family, children, husband, work, home, friends, personal pursuits. Not many understood me …. which was a shame.

In some countries women no longer need to be angry, to fight, to burn their bras etc. – but feminism needs to still have that capital ‘F’.
I have a blog about sisterhood at

By: Prince Gyimah /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-89 Sat, 26 Oct 2013 23:49:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-89 What did your mum tell you was her reason for cooking dad’s food? And who were you expecting to cook dad’s food which by the way a portion ended up in your bowl….? Sometimes the permises used by the so called ‘feminists’ are moot

By: Deborah A. Frempong /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-88 Sun, 13 Oct 2013 20:12:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-88 damn that’s an incredibly sexist comment.

By: Nana Darkoa /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-87 Wed, 09 Oct 2013 11:12:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-87 I know right? I think some men try to disregard women’s opinions by describing whatever they say as ’emotional’. As if ’emotion’ is not valid, and that men themselves are not emotional. Ironically Edward’s piece read to me like a very emotional piece…unlike him, I have no issue with emotion in writing. Indeed I am very sceptical about pieces that purport to be ‘scientific’ and without any sort of ‘human bias’ because I think that’s impossible. Thanks for commenting Malaka

By: Malaka Gyekye Grant /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-86 Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:02:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-86 I fail to see what was “emotional” about this. It was experiential. And what are facts if not elements based on the human experience?

Anyway, if feminism is as you described it, that is dismantling unfairness and injustice everywhere, then yes, we should all be “feminists”.

By: Nana Darkoa /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-85 Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:44:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-85 🙂 You didn’t miss a paragraph my dear

By: ttaaggooee /everybody-should-be-a-feminist-by-nana-darkoa-sekyiamah/#comment-84 Mon, 07 Oct 2013 17:16:00 +0000 /?p=7952#comment-84 Just as I thought…the emotional approach. We want hard, solid, air-tight facts! Or did I miss a paragraph?
