Last month, by kind courtesy of one of our sponsors, Blu, 4G Internet service provider, we brought you a twitter discussion between Edward and Nana Darkoa who represented the two sides of Feminism. If you missed it, we storified the encounter in this post. This month, will throw more light on dating and relationships in Ghana. We got in touch with Kuukuwa Manful and asked her what she looks out for before choosing her ‘prospects’. Probably not too long after this announcement, we will push Kuukuwa harder to put her ‘wish list’ on paper. Based on her list we will look into our network and see if there are any bold men out there who are willing to take their chances.
Have you ever been on a date? What are the qualities you look out for in the person? Do you consider religion and tribe as key ingredients? What about educational standards and employment history. Join us via the hashtag #BeLieveUme as we pick the brains of some ladies and gents in our network. We hope Kuukuwa will lead us to some answers. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for what her take in.
This post is part of Blu’s LiveBluForum, a social commentary on work-life balance in Ghana. Join the discussion at: #LiveBlu #BeLieveUme or sign up here to try turbo-charged internet powered by Blu.
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