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Accra , Ghana , January 21st 2013 – BloggingGhana (BloGH), a group of over 100 bloggers and social media enthusiasts are in the process of establishing Ghana’s first Social Media hub in East Legon, Accra. The launch of the online fundraising project #morestories took place on January 20th, 2014 and aims to raise 10 000 USD through the crowd-sourcing platform, Indiegogo.

BloggingGhana’s activities and achievements have been recognized by Star-Ghana, White House in Washington, Google, and many other notable institutions. Our professionalism and knowledge has gotten us the opportunity to interact with stakeholders in the Government of Ghana, the Electoral Commission, MDs and CEO of Ghana’s Club 100 brands and representatives of multinationals with a presence in Ghana. Formed in 2009,  BloggingGhana has grown to receive both local and international recognition from notable media organisations such as Joy FM, Citi FM, Mashable, Aljazeera and BBC.

A physical meeting place, a hub, will go a long way to provide a platform for the experienced bloggers in the organisation to train students and professionals on how to use blogging for creating #MoreStories and use social media to advance their agenda as citizens in Ghana.

Edward Amartey-Tagoe, the Director of corporate services at BloGH recounted how things were half a decade ago: “Some five years ago, there were only a handful of bloggers in Ghana, since then, bloggers and Internet enthusiasts have been organised under one umbrella body to build capacity, learn and share ideas from one another. Today, we are an influential organisation with a yearly event and awards ceremony who produce local content online on blogs and on various social media channels. We want to share our skills and create #morestories!”

According to the Chair the award winning association, Kajsa Hallberg Adu, Chair of BloGH, “It makes sense for a social media organization to use our online network and do crowd-sourcing to fulfill our dreams. We think Ghana in ready for a meeting place for social media enthusiasts and we cannot wait to create #morestories about Ghana for the world to read!”

The acquisition of the hub is the first step towards the achievement of this goal, the next step is the fundraising for furnishing of the various rooms to prepare the hub for capacity building activities and then open its doors to the general public.

The video below explains the groups vision and how you can help them achieve that goal.

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Kajsa Hallberg Adu,
Chair BloggingGhana
0249187210, [email protected]

Edward Amartey-Tagoe,
Director of Corporate Services, BloggingGhana
0244709575, [email protected]

[email protected]


As officially announced yesterday by StarGhana, BloggingGhana was one of 21 Media organisations to benefit from Star-Ghana’s fund which seeks to promote citizen engagement. This is how you can help. We are crowd-sourcing a name for the project. Show us how creative you are. We will publish your suggestions and put it out for a final vote.


GhanaThink Celebrates National Volunteer Day

National Volunteer Day is being instituted by the GhanaThink Foundation to come off every September 21st in Ghana. The initiative is to get as many people as possible in Ghana to volunteer their time or do community service on the Founder’s Day Holiday. While volunteerism is not very popular and part of our society’s fabric, many individuals and organizations volunteer occasionally. National Volunteer Day is to increase these numbers and unify efforts in volunteerism in Ghana.

The mission of the GhanaThink Foundation, a Ghana and US based NGO, is to mobilize talent and support idea generation to projects and ventures. Through our Barcamps, we have built a network of over 3000 Ghanaian change makers, doers and entrepreneurs through 20 events in Ghana. We want to use this network and other channels to build a bigger network of volunteers in Ghana. We believe volunteerism is the heart of community development.

We want to encourage more people to do community service within Ghana. That’s the same spirit our founding fathers engendered within our citizenry. By having volunteer or community service activities on September 21, we would be cherishing the ideals of founding Ghana and joining a national effort to work for Ghana. Volunteering demonstrates initiative and hard work, two ideals that many organizations look for while hiring. We believe that by participating in NVDay, participants would be building their CVs.

Different individuals and organizations have planned volunteer activities for September 21st. Utopia Wishlist is organizing a kids career fair in Omanjor near Accra. Some others are greening a school in Madina while others paint schools in East Legon, also in Accra. Some friends are gathering other friends to donate blood on NVDay in Accra and Tamale while others gather to clean up a taxi rank in Ashaiman. Young people are coming together to mentor SHS students in Kumasi while others organize a reading clinic for orphanage kids in Kasoa.

We expect at least 233 different activities on the day. You can find info about these activities and more on If you need more info on what to do or how to contribute to National Volunteer Day, visit the same link. Interested groups,organizations and individuals should register/RSVP at the National volunteer Day eventbrite website ( National Volunteer Day 2013 has the following media partners – The Diva Show on TV3, Focus 94.3 FM, Sunsum 98.7 FM, Anidado 97.9 FM and MPWR Show on Y 107.9 FM. Join us to move Ghana forward.

Stay tuned via our social media. Twitter Facebook Google+

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BloggingGhana 2.0

Two years ago, we decided to upgrade ourselves from a group of friends to a registered non-profit organization.  

We were hesitant of taking that step, I guess we worried that it would take the fun out of the group. We had met every month since 2008 to discuss society and social media, and we had a lot of ideas.  Eventually we dared to take the step!  Registering as an official entity has allowed us to partner with other organizations and look for funding, and only 2 years after receiving our documents, we have come a long way in promoting and improving social media use in Ghana.

And we are still having fun!

Join the BloggingGhana family or read about our projects, BlogCamp and GhanaDecides.

This blogpost is written by Kajsa Hallberg Adu, BloggingGhana co-founder and chair, and is adapted  from a longer post on for Blog Action Day 2012.

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Innovation Ghana…The E-Commerce Revolution

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Innovation hero, Eyram Tawia at Innov@teGhana

Eyram is known in Ghanaian circles as the software entrepreneur whose mission is to bring Ghanaian folklore back to life by translating such local super heroes into games. Yes, games. So the next you hit keys on your mobile or manoeuvre your way through a 5-stage game, you may be doing it with Yaa Asantewa, Kweku Ananse or Obour, the characters, Africa’s first i-phone developer seeks to resurrect through gaming.

This initiative got unto Google Ghana’s radar, thus was selected as one of 5 Innovation heroes selected to lead the Innovation campaign in Ghana. These warriors are to spend some of their time and resources sharing their knowledge through workshops, talks and conferences, a process the Leti Games CEO is perfectly used to. In the past couple of months, Eyram Tewia and his team have participated in many events and projects which focus on training the next generation of Ghanaian innovators and thinkers. The young man’s focus has not only been on growing his business as Ghana’s biggest Gaming company, but on building an industry which will generate new job roles and titles in the field.

On 30th July, the Google Ghana Innovation hero spent his day with young engineers at the Takoradi Poly as part of the Innov@teGhana  programme supervised by Freda Yawson. Innov@teGhana is a two week workshop and a competition designed to encourage Ghanaian college students to apply their existing knowledge to developmental problems of today. By teaching concepts of Design for Development and Entrepreneurship.

Eyram shared his success story with the students who were tasked with coming up entrepreneurial designs as part of the project. At the end of his presentation, they had learnt more about his beginning, his team and mission for Leti Games. BloggingGhana as part of the Google Innovation Ghana projects will use its channels to throw more light on what the various Innovation heroes are up to and how you can be a part of this campaign. Follow the #InnovationGhana hashtag on Twitter, join their circles on Google+, watch their videos on youtube and give us a helping hand towards the achievement of this goal.


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Keep calm and expect our aggregator!

In the past few weeks we’ve received applications from many bloggers and individuals expressing interest in joining BloggingGhana and requesting for their blogs to be reviewed and subsequently added to the organization’s old aggregator We are happy to know there is a good number of people who want to join BloggingGhana and want to learn and share with us. That is the very reason why we are currently investing time and funds in a new aggregator/website which will reflect the organisation’s brand and can accommodate as many people as possible. For this reason, we’ve put on hold registration of new members and blogs. We understand the inconvenience this may cause to a few of you, but once the full transition is completed, you will know it was worth the wait.

When we are done with the new website, members will have the following options available to them;

Join our interesting and informative mailing list full of bloggers with different lifestyles and professions, opt to join our project teams working hard to leverage social media towards the achievement of different goals,

Join us for out monthly meetings, usually held on weekends.
Opt to be an associate member.

With time, more light will be thrown on the benefits that come with being a member of the organization, but for now, keep your fingers crossed. Once it is done, we will announce the call for membership through our various social media accounts, so please get into our network if you are not already.

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