It was yet another successful ‘By The Fireside’ event and the attendance this time was undoubtedly double that of the maiden event. Was it because of the content for the night; sex & relationships? Definite crowd pullers then. P.G Sebastian & Nana Darkoa Sakyiaama our two storytellers took the ‘stage’ to share their most popular blogpost and what prompted them to write it.
Why I Walked Out On Him by PG Sebastian a prolific blogger and speaker on marriage & relationships was first to tell his story. He shared how this post was inspired by a conversation he heard or overhead from a lady on her phone. His content which is mostly founded on Christian values & principles for marriage, was presented with very practical life examples.
Why should you walk out on a guy even if he has proposed to you? Is he living in the now or has plans for the future? If he is always hanging out with his ‘boys boys’ or always buying the latest gadget or car then he’s living in the now and doesn’t have any plans of the future. Walk out. Does he only talk about football instead of family? If he’s always talking about Chelsea or is very focused on Keeping Up With The Kardasians then walk out. He obviously doesn’t have much to talk about with regards to the future. For a moment some members of the audience in their excitement yelled ‘Amen’ in congruence with his energy.
‘Sexing Whilst Feminist’ was next by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah, owner and award-winning blogger of Adventures From , a sex blog. She launched into how Adventures From started out and what sexing whilst feminist meant.
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