Hi Kuukuwa,
I love to laugh a lot, especially at myself. Not that I am a clown but I like to see the humor in situations where possible. As much as possible I try to learn something new every day. Not necessarily to do with my job but anything worth knowing and sometimes some random knowledge that make for good conversation. Sometimes, I love to pick the wrong end of a debate just to see how far I can go with its flawed logic. You can be sure you won’t be bored during a conversation with me.
I still believe in doing things like opening doors for ladies, paying on date, standing up when a lady walks in an that kind of chivalrous stuff. Not because I think women can’t do these things for themselves but because I actually enjoy doing these things. That might be because I’ve got three sisters or maybe because I grew up see a lot of that. Whatever the reason, these are things that come naturally to me. I try not to protest too much when a Lady insists on doing some of these things themselves.
I love to cook. So far no one has complained about my skills in the kitchen so I take that as an indication that I’m not too terrible. Hopefully, you will soon get the opportunity to judge for yourself. I’d love to prepare some “ampesi with abom” for you or something you really like. If I can’t cook your preferred meal, I’m sure you will be able to teach me. Hopefully when I will be a good enough student to make something that’s isn’t too terrible for both of us to eat.
I like a lady who can speak her mind even if I don’t agree with her. I find confidence and intelligence very attractive so you and I will definitely get along. I also love to go out to the movies, to poetry shows, to musical concerts and other stage performance so we definitely won’t get stale from staying indoors too much. I’ve not gotten around to night clubs yet but that’s probably because I’m a terrible dancer but we can always play some music indoors, jump up and down having fun.
I’m a Christian. Religious to the extent of having a relationship with God but not letting it overshadow logic. I believe God gave us brains so we make logical decisions. I attend church as often as i can (which isn’t a lot these days). I’m as open minded as they come these days. Sometimes i can be a bit stubborn when i make a decision but i believe that is a part of all ambitious people.
You and I are a good match. I don’t fear your fierce ambition, I love that it rivals mine. I don’t want a lamb of a lady. I want a Lioness, like you, together we’ll conquer the world and leave our prints all over it.
By Efo Dela
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