

Hi Kuukuwa,

I love to laugh a lot, especially at myself. Not that I am a clown but I like to see the humor in situations where possible. As much as possible I try to learn something new every day. Not necessarily to do with my job but anything worth knowing and sometimes some random knowledge that make for good conversation. Sometimes, I love to pick the wrong end of a debate just to see how far I can go with its flawed logic. You can be sure you won’t be bored during a conversation with me.

I still believe in doing things like opening doors for ladies, paying on date, standing up when a lady walks in an that kind of chivalrous stuff. Not because I think women can’t do these things for themselves but because I actually enjoy doing these things. That might be because I’ve got three sisters or maybe because I grew up see a lot of that. Whatever the reason, these are things that come naturally to me. I try not to protest too much when a Lady insists on doing some of these things themselves.

I love to cook. So far no one has complained about my skills in the kitchen so I take that as an indication that I’m not too terrible. Hopefully, you will soon get the opportunity to judge for yourself. I’d love to prepare some “ampesi with abom” for you or something you really like. If I can’t cook your preferred meal, I’m sure you will be able to teach me. Hopefully when I will be a good enough student to make something that’s isn’t too terrible for both of us to eat.

I like a lady who can speak her mind even if I don’t agree with her. I find confidence and intelligence very attractive so you and I will definitely get along. I also love to go out to the movies, to poetry shows, to musical concerts and other stage performance so we definitely won’t get stale from staying indoors too much. I’ve not gotten around to night clubs yet but that’s probably because I’m a terrible dancer but we can always play some music indoors, jump up and down having fun.

I’m a Christian. Religious to the extent of having a relationship with God but not letting it overshadow logic. I believe God gave us brains so we make logical decisions. I attend church as often as i can (which isn’t a lot these days). I’m as open minded as they come these days. Sometimes i can be a bit stubborn when i make a decision but i believe that is a part of all ambitious people.

You and I are a good match. I don’t fear your fierce ambition, I love that it rivals mine. I don’t want a lamb of a lady. I want a Lioness, like you, together we’ll conquer the world and leave our prints all over it.

By Efo Dela

This post is part of Blu’s LiveBlu Forum, a social commentary on work-life balance in Ghana. Join the discussion at: #LiveBlu #BeLieveUme or sign up here to try turbo-charged internet powered by Blu.


Tweet Convo with @TheoSowa: Let’s talk about African Philanthropy


Credit : Nyani Quarmyne

On Friday 13th December at 16:00 – 17:00 GMT, join @awdf01 the twitter handle for the African Women’s Development Fund, (AWDF) for a twitter conversation on African philanthropy with @TheoSowa , AWDF’s Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the African Grantmakers Network (AGN). Let’s talk about African philanthropy, how we give back, build communities, and strengthen institutions. Let’s talk about women in philanthropy. Let’s talk about African grant makers.

Join us in this conversation by tweeting your questions on Friday 13th December, 16:00-17:00 GMT to @awdf01.

Share your thoughts on African philanthropy with the hashtag #AWDFChat


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On Wednesday 20th November, this year, BloggingGhana will bring together different players in the Ghana e-commerce space to deliberate, discuss, debate and strategize. A few things makes this engagement attractive to the stakeholders and main players. First of all, as part of this discussion, BloggingGhana will put together a road map document which will be forwarded to the Ministry of Trade and Innovation, to b considered when the Ministry finally drafts its white paper on the issue later this year. Secondly this has become a discussion people are interested in because it has a direct link to the problems faced by a good number of Internet users in the country. Users are often frustrated when a service or product they want to access only take paypal as a payment option. Lastly, Google Ghana providing some support to this movement goes a long way to increase the interest of the many people who have expressed interested in pushing this agenda. The discussion will mainly take place on Google Hangout on Wednesday from 1-3pm. At the same time the discussions will be extended on twitter to engage the thousands of other Internet users who would want their voices to be heard. The hashtag which will be used on Twitter is #Paypal4Ghana. The road map document has already been created on Google Doc. BloggingGhana through this engagement seeks to populate this document with the inputs and outcomes from the discussion. Participants will be given commenting rights to add their voices to the action items which will be drafted during the event. Obviously, with this, we are moving several steps away from hosting just “talk shops”. Invitations have been sent to developers, bloggers, consumers, online shop owners, e-commerce experts, e-payment owners, mobile money managers etc to be a part of the @Paypal4Ghana dialogue. The need for this discussion arose when Samuel Darko vigorously started pushing for Paypal to list Ghana on its platform. This action has pushed many other discussion in different fora. One thing is clear though, Internet users need some form of payment which will grants its users the convenience paypal offers. You can sign up for the Hangout here. Hope to see you on Wednesday for what promising to be a deal-breaking discussion. If you won’t be available for the Hangout, there is an option to sign up for the twitter version here.

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“I change my mind so much I need two boyfriends and a girlfriend.” ― Pink

 What do I find attractive in a man? It depends… They’re all so different! They come in all shapes… and sizes… with different packages.

If I had to do a list of what I find attractive in a man at this very moment, here’s what I would put in it. So, in no particular order, here are 7 things, or combinations of things that I find attractive in guys [… and girls].

 Compassion + Action

Simply put, caring about the misfortunes of others enough to do something about it.

The Way He Sees Women

In this era of “real niggas”, you meet a lot of funny-guy misogynistic types, or less extremely and more commonly, guys that see women as beneath them. Luckily, most of these types are also pretty dumb, so that situation resolves itself. In the very rare situation where an attractive, accomplished, intelligent, brilliant man is sexist, that’s a deal-breaker.

Romance + Sweetness + Romance

Donnez-moi, donnez-moi, donnez-moi… a guy that’s into affectionate gestures, sweet messages, funny/ quirky gifts and more! Add weekend-trips, spur of the moment road trips, and we have ourselves a winner, even if he doesn’t shave his armpit hair.

 Ambition + Passion + Brilliance + Intelligence

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” ― Salvador Dalí

Almost every single person I’ve been attracted to in my adult life [and by that I mean the years after 20], has a combination of these four elements. I’ve been known to be blinded to pot bellies, ear hair, and old age where these super four are at play. I think everything here is pretty self-explanatory, but let me hasten to add that being passionate about religion and nothing else but religion doesn’t count at all.

Humour + Intelligence + knowing what to joke about & when

“I think, for me, humour needs to be used like a strong spice – sparingly.” ― George Murray

Every girl, they say, likes a guy who makes her laugh. I guess that’s true with me to an extent, BUT, I am not looking to hook up with a Funny Face kind of person. Too many people I meet overdo it, and I’m left laughing out of politeness and trying to find an excuse to leave.

The Physical

I don’t think I have a type in terms of physique. A nice face + lips are important. I mean, I do need to be able to kiss a guy without getting nightmares. Also a fit body and personal hygiene are important for doing the kind of things I like to do, but I will not dwell on that.

The Spiritual

If he’s seeking to achieve a state where he is peaceful, truthful, and treats all others as equals, then it doesn’t matter what/who he believes in. It doesn’t matter who his gods are. I respect that.

In conclusion, realistically I’m not looking to meet a guy who is as put together as this. Frankly, if I did, I wouldn’t want to date him and be in constant awe of his perfection. And in relationships, both partners change a little to suit each other anyway. So as long as he’s working to get there, and has respect for women, I’m good.


By Kuukuwa Manful

This post is part of Blu’s LiveBlu Forum, a social commentary on work-life balance in Ghana. Join the discussion at: #LiveBlu #BeLieveUme or sign up here to try turbo-charged internet powered by Blu.


Last month, by kind courtesy of one of our sponsors, Blu, 4G Internet service provider, we brought you a twitter discussion between Edward and Nana Darkoa who represented the two sides of Feminism. If you missed it, we storified the encounter in this post. This month, will throw more light on dating and relationships in Ghana. We got in touch with Kuukuwa Manful and asked her what she looks out for before choosing her ‘prospects’. Probably not too long after this announcement, we will push Kuukuwa harder to put her ‘wish list’ on paper. Based on her list we will look into our network and see if there are any bold men out there who are willing to take their chances.

Have you ever been on a date? What are the qualities you look out for in the person? Do you consider religion and tribe as key ingredients? What about educational standards and employment history. Join us via the hashtag #BeLieveUme as we pick the brains of some ladies and gents in our network. We hope Kuukuwa will lead us to some answers. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for what her take in.


This post is part of Blu’s LiveBlu Forum, a social commentary on work-life balance in Ghana. Join the discussion at: #LiveBlu #BeLieveUme or sign up here to try turbo-charged internet powered by Blu.

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